Stanford University has recently posted updates from their India Research
As India’s middle class has expanded, the nation’s public health concerns have shifted. Obesity rates have risen, coinciding with a surge in diabetes. The number of Indians with type 2 diabetes is expected to double to nearly 80 million by 2030. Meanwhile, 43 percent of children in India are underweight, according to the World Bank.
A chronic condition, type 2 diabetes is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. People with type 2 diabetes are at much greater risk of health complications, including problems with the eyes, kidneys and cardiovascular system. The American Heart Association estimates that nearly 75 percent of type 2 diabetics die from some form of heart or blood vessel disease. And the risk of stroke increases more than two-fold within the first five years of being treated for type 2 diabetes.
Continue reading Indian Population Faces Huge Diabetes Threat