Tag Archives: health

There is something even better than Fish Oil in Omega-3

Researching scientist at University of California at San Francisco have found that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil extend the genetic ‘fuse’ that determines the lifespan of cells. It would protect them from many heart diseases, improve survival after heart attack etc.

Our View: It is good to consume fish or fish Oil. But those who do not eat this, there is
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Your Child is Playing with Toxic Toys, Are you Aware?

A Delhi-based NGO center for Science and Environment has found that toys found in the Indian Market contains dangerous pthalates. These can cause serious health dis-order such as asthma, Skeletal defects, impair lungs and damage male protective systems. And many of the toys have crossed the limit by as much as 60-160 times. Majority of Chinese (57%), Taiwanese (100%) toys had breached this limit. India had earlier put restrictions on import of Chinese toys if they fail to confirm the voluntary Indian Standards. Important to note that majority of Indian toys would also not meet these standards but the Indian Toy association claims something contrary.
Continue reading Your Child is Playing with Toxic Toys, Are you Aware?

Pistachio Can Lower Your Blood Sugar

Study conducted in the University of Toronto has found out that eating pistachio could help you in lowering your blood sugar. Pistachio, when taken with high carbohydrate food items like white bread, slows down the absorption of carbohydrate in the body. It works towards prevention and control of diabetes by suppressing the glycemic (blood sugar) response of high carbohydrate foods. The mono-unsaturated fat in pistachio has been scientifically proven to help lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good cholesterol (HDL) which protects the heart.

Link: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life/health-fitness/health/Eat-pistachio-to-lower-blood-sugar/articleshow/5412745.cms