All posts by admin123

Pistachio Can Lower Your Blood Sugar

Study conducted in the University of Toronto has found out that eating pistachio could help you in lowering your blood sugar. Pistachio, when taken with high carbohydrate food items like white bread, slows down the absorption of carbohydrate in the body. It works towards prevention and control of diabetes by suppressing the glycemic (blood sugar) response of high carbohydrate foods. The mono-unsaturated fat in pistachio has been scientifically proven to help lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good cholesterol (HDL) which protects the heart.


Could not Make it to IIT or Medical School? Do not Worry You still have a chance.

Failed to Make To IIT and A Medical College In India, Nobel Laureate Venkat Ramakrishnan completed his college in Baroda before moving to Ohio University for his PHD. That is not all, he did not even get a job after his post-doctoral, when he applied to about 50 Universities in the US. So if you could not make it to a place, do not get disheartened.
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Srinagar Siege – Operation to Flush Out terrorists Intensifies

Srinagar 7th Jan: Attempt to flush out 2 terrorists who are hiding in a hotel in Srinagar has intensified on Thursday. The operation launched by police and paramilitary CRPF to neutralise the militants in Hotel Panjab in Lal Chowk was suspended at around 11pm on Wednesday and was resumed at 0700 hours today, as per the officials. The death toll has risen to 2, once civilian and one military personnel. This is the first such attempt in 2 years.
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Life Existed on Mars?

London: A team of scientists in Britain led by Indian Born Scienctist has claimed to have found lake on the Mars. They have found 30 KM wide lake, which is about 3 billion years old. It had rivers and tributaries connected to it and had flow of water, thus there could have been life there.
